Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A no picture sick update!

Well here it is February 1 already and we've had one snowfall (I don't count the freak snow storm on October 29)! Not that I'm complaining about the 62 degrees we had yesterday or the 58 today....I'll take this mild winter!
And now that it is February I can say this has been the sickest winter I've had in a long time! I've had stomach viruses twice in addition to numerous colds all while being pregnant which makes being sick so much worse (in my opinion). And of course two weeks ago I had to say to my sister "Simon is 20 months old and has never had an ear infection, vomitted or had diarrhea." Of course I jinxed myself because a week later we encountered the latter two of those! And of course he had to share it with me of which I got the virus much worse. I spent yesterday trying to recover and then Chris woke up this morning with the virus too.
All of this to say we are a sick household so I've been washing sheets, towels, clothes, Lysoling every surface I see, toys, etc. and will not be posting any pictures of us sickies because frankly we don't look very nice!

Hope you all are healthy this week and looking ahead to (more) springier weather!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds awful! So sorry you all got it. :-( Hope that you are sick-free by Tuesday so we can all play again!
