Thursday, June 23, 2011

Father's Day Weekend

The weather was really nice over Father's Day weekend so we took a family trip to the park on Saturday afternoon. Simon rode the swing for awhile and he looked like he could have fallen asleep. The kid has a cold (still) so I'm sure that was part of it but he sat very still and kept his hands tucked down in the swing! We fed a few ducks, Simon went down the sliding board and then we went for ice cream! Simon enjoyed some of mine and dad's. Then we went to a local bookstore where Simon had fun playing with trains while Chris and I picked out a new book for him. We chose a book about ice cream and sharing - seemed appropriate since we had just shared our ice cream with him!!!

As we did the previous year on Father's Day we also hit up the Parade of Homes and toured a few new homes just for fun! It was a great weekend with lots of quality family time. I'm so thankful for my own dad and for the now dad I am married to! Enjoy a few pics of the park below!

Monday, June 20, 2011

First Trip to the Philly Zoo

My sister and her family live in Philadelphia so last week Simon, my mom and I drove down to her place. We first went to Alison's house for bathroom breaks and so we could all go together. Simon was enamored with the guinea pigs that his cousins have!
It was a beautiful day to go to the zoo. Unfortunately we didn't get to spend a whole lot of time there because of Simon's nap but we had a lot of fun while we were there! Oh, did I mention my sister's family has season passes to the zoo where they can take visitors?! Yes, so we will be visiting the zoo again this summer!!!

Simon loving the beautiful fountain at the zoo entrance

Me and Simon....did I tell you that his first "official" word is Mom?!

Feeding the lorakeets (sp?) This was really fun!

The Children's Petting Zoo - Simon points a lot. I told him not to eat the blueberries on the ground!

Not too sure about this goat....

Look! There's an animal!

The giraffe's were very interactive while we were there. Such beautiful and unique creatures!

Looking forward to visiting the zoo again this summer!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Catching Up....

April 29 was my last day of (paid) employment. So for the past month and a half I have been working on my transition from being a FT employee and mom to just a FT mom. Let me tell you - the transition has been so much fun! I have not missed work or the stress that came with it at all! Working moms and stay-at-home moms is such a touchy subject it seems. Since I have done both I feel I am justified in my opinion that both are equally challenging as well as rewarding. Each person is unique and has to do what is right for their situation but I think I am a better wife (especially) and just as good of a mom as when I was working. My first week as a FT mom I was exhausted! I told Chris I was still just as tired at night but it was more physically tiring than mentally.

I thought I would have more time to blog and be creative but I am finding my time is taken up by a busy little boy and activities galore! Like everything it's finding a routine! So here's to summer and one full of adventure and memories!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Five Years of Bliss!

May 27, 2006 - Five years ago I married the perfect man for me! As we sat on our back patio with take-out we reminisced over the past five years. In some ways it seems a lot longer than 5 but in other ways it seems to have gone so fast! We have now lived in PA as long as we lived in Seattle. We talked about the people we've met along the way, the places we've visited, etc. We said we'd never want to go back in time but are certainly looking forward to our future!

Thank you Chris, for making the past five years of our marriage so amazing! You have become such a strong family man and I appreciate how hard you work for us. Here's to our future!