Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kids Say the Funniest Things

Simon's vocabulary is really expanding these days. The thing is I'm not always sure what exactly he is saying! He chatters away a lot and I have no clue but it is a lot of fun to make conversation with him! Here's some of the things he says that I've learned to translate:

Micah (his cousin) - Kaikai
Anya (his cousin) - Anyas - it's always plural!
Aunt Ali - Abba
Pizza - Pie pie
Bernie the dog - Berber
Airplane - Aiman
Truck - Trrrruck
Vaccum - Da
Football - Bootball (said just like football but with a b)
Cow - Moo
Banana - Nana
Cocoon - Cocoo
Apple - Appum (but he's getting a lot closer to apple)
Boom Boom means he wants to listen to his special cd in the car or watch his dvd
Lawnmower - lawmower

He's really good at shoes, socks, car, dog, duck, moon, all of his facial features (eyes, ears, teeth, cheek, nose, head, hair) mama, dada, Mimi, Papa, ewww and I poop!

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