Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Almost Fell Off the Bandwagon!

Wow...two months since my last post! I almost fell of the blogging bandwagon but in my defense I had a good reason. Simon's naptime recently became my nap time and logging time on the computer was not making my to-do list. I'm 10 1/2 weeks pregnant and have been EXHAUSTED this first trimester in addition to not feeling real great throughout the day. So that's my excuse!

We are very excited for baby #2 who is due May 27 - our anniversary! Our kids will be pretty much two years apart exactly (May 14 is Simon's birthday) which isn't necessarily the way we planned it but we think it's going to be a lot of fun! Pregnancy second time around is going a lot faster...maybe because a 17-month old keeps me very busy?! And it's true - you do show a little faster but I'm still not quite in maternity clothes :)

I got to hear the baby's heartbeat at the doctor this week which was very exciting. It is so amazing to think something so small has a beating heart already. We feel incredibly blessed that God has chosen us to be parents again.

I will try to be more consistent with the blog in the upcoming months...just needed a time out!


  1. Wonderful news!! Congratulations!

  2. YAY! Fun news! Definitely a good reason to blog. :)

  3. :-) So so excited that there is another little one on the way! And you'll have all the right seasons of clothes if it's a boy (and at least some neutral ones if it's a girl). Hope your energy returns soon!

  4. Congrats Ellen! That is so exciting. May 27th is my mom's birthday!
