Monday, November 21, 2011

Full-Blown Toddler

Somehow the days go by and I now have an 18-month old who is just as fun and energetic and bright and I'm so lucky to be his mom! At his well-check he was 24 lbs 3 oz (25%) and 33 inches tall (75%). The doctor seemed impressed with his development and impressed with how many words he says. She said it is average for 18-month olds to say 6 understandable words. This prompted Chris and I (later on) to count how many words we have heard him say. Well over 50 for sure! Simon repeats a lot of things and he likes to say his new favorite food - french fry!

If you want to stop reading feel free. I want to remember what he's doing at this stage!!

Sleeping Patterns - you sleep at least 12 hours at night and one nap in the afternoon ranging from 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours

Eating Habits - certainly have your picky moments but you're getting better! We're enforcing "no snacks" and if you refuse to eat your dinner that is your snack later! It's working!! You seem to eat more if you have some ketchup to dunk your food in

Playing - you usually cry a little when we drop you off at church or MOPS but are fine within a few minutes and love to play. You love the sliding board at parks and your dog! You play pretty well with others but of course struggle some with sharing :) You're great at playing soccer and kicking and throwing balls.

It's so fun to see your personality develop! You love to help me around the house and are great at closing doors and cabinets, turning off light switches and putting shoes back in the closet! You rarely sit still but the picture above was a rare moment when you cuddled with dad while he rubbed your back. You are loved!

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