Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Simon's First Weekend at the Cabin

Simon took his first trip to the cabin over Labor Day Weekend. He had so much fun doing "cabin" things for the first time! Included in this was sleeping on a cardboard mattress! During the chaos of packing and getting on the road Friday we forgot to pack the mattress for his Pack n Play so Chris and my dad got inventive and cut a mattress out of thick cardboard. Don't worry - they covered it with a blanket and a sheet and it did the trick - Simon slept through the night!

Simon took his first 4-wheeler ride on "Buzz!"

He took his first "big boy" stroller ride with Mimi!

He split some wood with Papa!

And he loved his first campfire!

We look forward to taking many more trips to the cabin with Simon. It's a great place to escape from reality and make lots of memories with the family. Chris and I got engaged at the cabin 5 years ago this Thanksgiving! When are we going again?!

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