Monday, July 11, 2011

My Dog Thinks He's Human and My Son Thinks He's Dog

Simon learned very early on that if he dropped food on the floor Bernie would eat it! Simon has a fascination with Bernie which is not reciprocated! However Bernie hasn't complained yet about the extra snacks :)

Today Simon kept getting the graham crackers out of the pantry. That's fine but Simon doesn't want to eat a graham cracker. He wants to feed it to Bernie. So I got out Bernie's dog treats and let Simon feed one of those to him. You'd think that would satisfy both of them. NO! Simon cried and screamed! I sincerely think he wanted to eat Bernie's treat!

Thirty minutes later Simon wondered into the laundry room and closed the door. When I went in to find out what he was doing in there he had something in his mouth! And there in his hand was a Ziploc bag that had been in the trashcan with a few dog treat crumbs. GROSS! He seemed to like it but I finally was able to retrieve it from his mouth! These two are trouble!!

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