Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Furminator

I love dogs. My black lab, Bernie, was my first baby. We adopted him from a shelter three months after we got married and moved to Seattle. We have some really great stories about Bernie and his separation anxiety but I will save those for another day. This post is all about the furminator. I think I should receive royalties for how many people I have convinced to buy the furminator...seriously!

I think I'm rambling now...I'm somewhat of a clean freak and as much as I love Bernie I hate his shedding hair just as much. I can only imagine how much dog hair I have eaten. If I didn't have a shedding dog I bet I would save so much money on vacuum bags (since they are 89% filled with dog hair) and time cleaning my house. At least the furminator helps a little bit - the shedding hair doesn't come out as fast!!

The moral? If you have a shedding dog or cat - you need a furminator! Check out Bernie's latest furminating session (thanks honey)! Gross, right?!

1 comment:

  1. Ha - we bought a furminator after I saw you post something about it on Facebook once! No lie, I was just vacuuming our house (probably as you were writing this post) thinking "wow, how much MORE hair would I be vacuuming up if we didn't have the Furminator?" You should consider buying one of the "bagless" vacuums. We love ours!
