Friday, February 10, 2012

The Baby Bump

Well figure I better post a few pictures of the big bump. Sadly these are the only 3 pictures I have taken so far of this pregnancy. It's true what they say - second time around does not require so many pictures! This is 15 weeks, 18 weeks and 24 weeks. I got to see our little blessing on a second ultrasound this week - she is a mover much like her brother was. I'm feeling pretty good these days, just some dull back pain which I attribute to lifting a 25 lb weight also known as Simon!

And I'm not sure why this picture keeps posting sideways but here is our little girl. We think her pictures look a lot like Simon did when we compare the ultrasounds!

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  1. Cute pics! If you look right across the page to Simon's newborn picture, they really do look a ton alike!

  2. Yes! A belly picture! :) Thank you Ellen! I may have to take a picture of Abner for you now. :)

  3. As always, pregnant or look great! Love the bump though!
