Thursday, December 15, 2011


Did you know Chris and I went to New Orleans over Thanksgiving?! Just the two of us! We left Simon with my parents for four days and we jetted south for the holiday weekend for a wedding. I had never been to New Orleans before so we tried to pack in as much as possible. I was 14 weeks pregnant during this trip so I was pretty exhausted but it was so nice to get away sans kiddo and the fact that the weather was in the 70s made it so worth it!

The wedding was for G and Hilary (aka Gilary) who are from Louisiana but we knew G when we lived in Seattle. A lot of Seattlites made the trek down south and it was so much fun to see a lot of our friends who I hadn't seen in almost two years.

We did some touristy stuff like the World War II Museum and eating beignet at Cafe du Monde. We walked down Bourbon Street, went to a piano bar and experienced Zydeco music/dancing which I want to learn in a later life!

Pretty Jackson Square decorated for Christmas

Artise and Amy - love these girls and miss them so much!

My hot date for the wedding :)

The happy couple

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